Wednesday 20 October 2010

Mike Davis - Sand Fear and money in Dubai

     Mike Davis starts by introducing Dubai as a complete paradise, “you are glued to your window. The scene below is astonishing” ,”you gasp at the even more improbable vision ahead” and “rubbing you eyes with wonderment”. He describes it in such detail you almost feel that you're there and with statements like that you want to be. At first you wonder what is so evil about this place. Paradise maybe but evil? Well greed is an evil and it seems Dubai is fueled by it. “$5,000 per night room” that's basically my uni fees for the year, blown in a night. Where does it stop when the stakes are so high?
     “Mulitbillionaire Sheik Mo” says “I want to be number one”. Number one at what? Spending the most money? Building the biggest... everything? Does that make you number one? Is is this just a case of small dick syndrome? Its never going to hide his small cock. I think we are getting our first glimpse of evil here. A place for money hungry oil barrens to whom money is toilet paper. But when money is no issue what else can you do? Once you've bought a football club, got a fleet of 50 cars and got houses in every major city around the world, where do you go from there? Well you might as well build an entire city. Why not if you have a near in-exhaustive income? Though I don't think Dubai will ever be classes as a number one city, only a cesspool for the rich and famous.
     I do though enjoy that Dubai pushes the boundaries for Architectural wonderment. “Dubai may be considered the emerging prototype for the 21st century”. Prototype is a very good word here. It's a model for future cities. Tried and tested methods. Some may work well and be implemented across the world, whilst others will fail and be cast into the desert sands. I wonder how long this will last though. When the rest of the world has learnt from Dubai what will happen then?

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